ICPE 2023: Wednesday Afternoon Pre-conference Skills Course - Cancer Pharmacoepidemiology and Genomics: What You Should Know in the Era of Precision Medicine

1. Course Aim: This course, co-sponsored by the "Molecular Epidemiology, Biomarkers, and Pharmacogenomics" and "Cancer" SIGs, will focus on the essentials every pharmacoepidemiologist should know about study design, databases and real-world applications of cancer personalized medicine including precision medicine, companion diagnostics, biomarkers and the biomarker development pipeline, diagnosis and treatment coding, drug and cancer risk associations and linking databases with genomic information.

2. Requisites Statement: Entry level. Attendees should have basic knowledge of pharmacogenomics, or have watched the pre-course videos available online only --The convergence of Pharmacoepidemiology and Precision Medicine [Gillian Bartlett]  --A Primer on Genetic Terms and Basic Concepts [Geoffrey Liu] --Cancer Terminology and the Science of Cancer Drug Development [Geoffrey Liu]

3. Course Objectives: To acquire an overview of genomics in cancer research, and how epidemiologists and real-world studies make contributions; To attain a better understanding of methodological issues related to pharmacoepidemiology studies of cancer risk; To improve an understanding of cancer diagnosis and treatment coding in administrative claims, EHR and clinico-genomic databases; To understand better target therapy for application in pharmacoepidemiology cancer research designs and oncology drug development, including the use of biomarkers and companion diagnostics; To understand the benefits and challenges of pharmacoepidemiology study designs in oncology research and their impact on clinical practice applications.

Components visible upon registration.